Season VI begins in:



Type: Custom RPG
Exp: Staged, around 5x
PvP: Open
Magic rate: 5x
Skill rate: 7x
Loot rate: 1.5x
Protection level: 50
Account name

Who is online?

66 players of 61 unique accounts were online in the last 24 hours.
6 new accounts and 4 new characters were created.
There were 342 unique active players this month.

Outfit Name: Guild: Level: Vocation:
img Nerwus exp bonus 108 Royal Paladin
img Hypnotize Goodfellas 156 Elite Knight
img Hviles Goodfellas 191 Elite Knight
img Oilyoaf Goodfellas 263 Elder Druid
img Holiwi Goodfellas 150 Elder Druid
img Hakka exp bonus 101 Elder Druid
img Boob Goodfellas 300 Enlightened Shaman
img Gravul Dark Enigma 256 Sacred Monk
img Calabaza Dark Enigma 115 Master Sorcerer
img Nazar Dark Enigma 245 Elite Knight
img Mzk Dark Enigma 300 Sacred Monk
img Estakirot Goodfellas 253 Elder Druid
img Berserk Dark Enigma 298 Elite Knight
img Selv Illuminated Equilibrium 272 Royal Paladin
img Schmidt Dark Enigma 107 Sacred Monk
img Pietrunik Dark Enigma 261 Elder Druid
img Odelot 50 Royal Paladin
img Clyh Goodfellas 234 Elder Druid
img Reirin Goodfellas 180 Royal Paladin
img Stygian Goodfellas 209 Elder Druid
img Hennessy Vsop Goodfellas 300 Royal Paladin
img Diog Dark Enigma 261 Enlightened Shaman
img Vitalie Goodfellas 255 Elite Knight
img Monkrim Goodfellas 247 Sacred Monk
img Strongmanapotion Goodfellas 255 Elite Knight